Hey, let's go do somethin'! |

The good young trail horse, Dan |
I was fortunate to own his sire, Juan's Double Bear, for a while at the end of his life. I am not surprized at Dan's willingness
and atheletic ability, as Bear earned his APHA Championship in a couple of shows into his second show season. He had ROMs
in both English and Western disciplines.
He sired several Champions, and a slew of multiple point earners.
Dan's first ride |

A thoughtful and kind beast is Dan |
So many years of riding the Recreation Area makes for a lot of pictures. Most of them are those old fashioned send away film
in the mail sort, which need to be uncurled, scanned, and in general made suitable for the digital age.
We built a couple of great tarp camps, back when we were out for 10 days at a time. I'll hunt them up for you.
Driving is such fun, particularly when one is blessed with a horse that likes it. Tim will work anywhere. He's been hitched
in a team, unicorn, 4, tandam, and random, as well. It's all in a day's work for him. I love a horse that loves his job.
I'm hunting up the show pictures too.
Tim, Dan's full brother, working a birthday party |

This horse is a Saint |
A good camp cook is a necessity. This one's a beaut.
It doesn't hurt that he's not hard to look at, and is also our vet. So if his cookin' don't agree with us, he can cure

The pleasure of a horse like Dan makes all the work worthwhile. He is stable and brave.
The first time I got on him, I had to get a stool, as the mounting block was not set yet, and he is so tall while I am
short. So I got my stool, and layed across his back. My friend Susan was standing in front of us. When I sat up, she said
"How many times have you been on this horse?" I replied "You're seeing it". She laughed, said "His
eyes rolled back in his head when you sat up." He never moved a muscle, just cocked an ear back, waiting for me to tell
him what to do. Relaxed, alert, and kind.